Distribution in SAR palaeodoses due to spatial heterogeniety of natural beta dose
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Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, 380 009, India
Online publication date: 2011-06-19
Publication date: 2011-09-01
Geochronometria 2011;38(3):190-198
In luminescence dating of sediments, Mayya et al. (2006) pointed out that at single grain level, the beta dose for quartz grains is heterogeneous. This heterogeneity arises due the fact that the total potassium in sediment is contributed by few feldspar grains with up to 11–14% stoichiometric potassium (Huntley and Baril, 1997). Beta particles have a range of ∼2 mm, which is comparable to grain sizes and inter-grain distances. This fact implies that the spatial fluctuation of beta emitters (K-feldspars) around individual quartz grains results in heterogeneous dose deposition. These fluctuations therefore, lead to an inherent spread in palaeodoses received by individual quartz grains. In this study, we compute the spread in single aliquot palaeodoses that arises exclusively due to heterogeneity in beta radiation dose received by individual grains. We thus postulate that ‘single aliquots’ (comprising several — typically 100 — heterogeneously irradiated single grains) would have an inherent spread in the palaeodose. In this work, we used Monte Carlo simulations to quantify the extent of spread in palaeodoses arising due to heterogeneity of beta dose and hence put a limit on the precision of age estimation. Simulations results indicated, that, 1) the average of the single aliquot palaeodoses provides the closest approximation to the true palaeodose, 2) the minimum number of aliquots that are needed to obtain a robust estimate of average palaeodose value depend upon desired precision and the concentration of K, and 3) the ratio of maximum to minimum single aliquot palaeodose values for a given K concentration provides a measure of inherent spread arising due to beta dose heterogeneity. Any spread over and above this range, can be ascribed to other sources such as heterogeneous bleaching and sensitivity changes. Radiation dose from other uniformly distributed sources of beta particles (U, Th and Rb) however would reduce this spread.
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