K-Ar Dating of Amphiboles from Andesite of Complex Dyke in Dubie (Southern Poland)
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Institute of Geological Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Oleandry 2a, 30-063 Cracow, Poland
Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Senacka 1, 31-002 Cracow, Poland
Online publication date: 2007-05-01
Publication date: 2007-07-01
Geochronometria 2007;27:11-15
This study presents the results of radiometric K-Ar measurements on separated amphiboles from the andesite of the Dubie complex dyke. The data obtained cover the period of (291.3 ± 6.4) Ma, which corresponds to Carboniferous-Permian transition. The age is contemporaneous to the rhyodacitic and basaltoid volcanism of the Kraków region.
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