Radiometric Age Analyses of Rocks from the Northern Envelope of the Karkonosze Massif, the Sudetes, Poland: A Comparative Geochronological Study
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Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, ul. Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warszawa, Poland
Institute of Physics, Marie Curie-Sklodowska University, pl. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 1, 20-031 Lublin, Poland
Online publication date: 2009-12-22
Publication date: 2009-01-01
Geochronometria 2009;34:33-39
K-Ar determinations have been conducted on the background of the earlier radiometric data in the eastern part of the northern Karkonosze-Izera envelope of the granite massif, composed of different varieties of granites, gneisses and mica schists. The values of the K-Ar age for minerals and rocks from the Karkonosze-Izera block lie in the wide interval ranging from 226.0±6.7 Ma to 386.1±3.0 Ma. The K-Ar age data obtained by volumetric method oscillate between 308±21 and 372±26 Ma. Most biotite K-Ar age values of the Izera granite-gneisses complex give an average age of 316.1±3.3 Ma. They correspond to the cooling age of the Karkonosze pluton while the data below 300 Ma are minimum age values that postdate the last granite intrusion of the Krkonoše-Jizera pluton. The obtained results over 300 Ma are mixed apparent ages between the age of the Karkonosze and the Izera granite ages. The K-Ar dates in the studied region have been compared with fission-track (FT) ages of zircon and titanite in the same area which display another distribution pattern.
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