The Development History of Wigry Lake as Shown by Subfossil Cladocera
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Department of Quaternary Geology, Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warsaw, Poland
Online publication date: 2007-07-04
Publication date: 2007-07-01
Geochronometria 2007;27:67-74
Environmental changes in Wigry Lake during the Late Glacial and Holocene were studied on the basis of subfossil Cladocera analysis. Cladocera are present in a long core WZS/03 (Słupiańska Bay), and a surface sediments. The sediment contains remains of twenty-seven species belonging to 5 families. Species composition of plankton and the variability in the frequency of specimens of Cladocera made possible to distinguish five phases of their development, which well correlated with palynological phases. The correlation proves that the biological development of Wigry Lake was determined mainly by climatic changes. During the history of the lake, planktonic forms were dominant and represented by Bosminidae. It indicates that the lake was (excluding the initial part) deep and oligo- or mesotrophic. The mesotrophic state has been noted during the Atlantic chronozone and temporary. Taking into consideration the size and the depth as well as the rare human population around the lake it can be stated that the trophy rise was the result of the warm climate. It is also possible that during the last few decades the natural and anthropogenic factors could add. Probably mild winters, warm and long summers, increased tourists number were partly responsible for changes of water state.
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